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Category Archives: Beauty & Health

6 tips to take care of “hypothyroid”

“Hypothyroidism” is a health problem caused by the thyroid gland producing too little hormone, resulting in “young lady symptoms”, such as easily getting tired, exhausted, drowsy, unable to tolerate cold, and not being able to withstand too much heat. In addition, the memory is not

5 warning symptoms before you get sick

All the symptoms that occur in our bodies have causes. Many symptoms are early warning signs of a bigger health problem or illness. And it is important to know early so that you can receive timely treatment. What are the symptoms? Let’s learn together. 1.

Should you take a ginger supplement?

Ginger supplements aren’t necessary, and experts recommend that those. Who want the health benefits of ginger enjoy it in food and beverages instead of swallowing ginger pills, which may contain other, unnoted ingredients. They point out that in general, the supplement industry is not well

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Ginger Benefits

Ginger adds a fragrant zest to both sweet and savory foods. The pleasantly spicy “kick” from the root of ยูฟ่าเบท officinale, the ginger plant, is what makes ginger ale, ginger tea, candies and many Asian dishes so appealing. What is ginger good for? In

5 ways to use dental floss to help remove food particles

Floss will help remove food particles between your teeth that brushing might not be able to clean. Including teeth that are difficult to clean. Such as inner molars or crooked teeth, using dental floss will help clean those areas better. Helps to have good oral

What are the health benefits of pumpkin?

Pumpkin has a range of fantastic benefits. Including being one of the best-known sources of beta carotene. Beta carotene is a powerful antioxidant that gives orange vegetables and fruits their vibrant color. The body converts any ingested beta carotene into vitamin A. Following health benefits: Regulating blood pressure Eating pumpkin

10 Misconceptions About COVID-19 Prevention And Treatment

Although COVID-19 disease It has been with us for almost 2 years, but there are still some things that many people may still misunderstand about the disease. Whether it is a way to prevent infection or how to cure yourself of an infection, and today,

why “elderly people” are more at risk of “depression” than you think

why “elderly people” are more at risk of “depression” than you think “Depression in the Elderly” is a mental illness among the elderly. which arises from feelings of disappointment, loss, longing for the past or things missing from life Including the difficulty of accepting change. As a result,

How depressed should you be to see a psychiatrist?

How depressed should you to see a psychiatrist? Sometimes we are not sure. That we are truly depressed. Or are we just bore with life? At what point do we have symptoms that tell us we should rely on a psychiatrist? Let’s look at สมัคร ufabet Dr.