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Tag Archives: collagen

8 Foods To Eat If You Want Glowing Skin Quickly

 Achieving glowing skin is no easy feat. Unlike popular belief, it takes more than skin care products and glow up routines. It should begin from within; incorporating nutrient-dense foods into your diet. Not only are these the building blocks for necessary and radiant skin but

8 Foods for Glowing Skin

Abs aren’t the only things made in the kitchen; clear, beautiful skin can be, too! That’s why we’ve curated our top 8 favourite foods for a glowing complexion. 1. Carrots Orange veggies like carrots (pumpkin and sweet potato, too!) contain ‘beta-carotene’, which protects your skin

6 best vitamin C foods to prevent a common cold

A common cold, as the name suggests, is fairly common, and it can be rather annoying. Luckily for us, one of the easiest ways to prevent or at least reduce the symptoms of this pesky infection is by supplementing our body with vitamin C. Vitamin