How depressed should you to see a psychiatrist?

Sometimes we are not sure. That we are truly depressed. Or are we just bore with life? At what point do we have symptoms that tell us we should rely on a psychiatrist? Let’s look at สมัคร ufabet
Dr. Phaporn or Dr. Mee Fah from her Facebook page The Psychiatric Association of Thailand stated, “In this era, where almost all of us have relatives or acquaintances. Who consult a psychiatrist, it makes many people doubt. That ‘How severe or at what stage do I have to see a psychiatrist?’ A doctor once asked this question to a patient. Who had recovered and was about to stop treatment.
The patient thought for a long time and then replied, ‘That’s when I had this thought.’
“Actually, it is no different from any other physical disease. If a person feels that they have ‘Problems that cannot be handled by yourself’ are enough to consult a doctor. Then the doctor will evaluate and diagnose it himself. What caused the problem? Is it a symptom of any condition or disease? Just take yourself to the doctor.”
It also identifies the main problems that often lead people to see a psychiatrist, including:
- emotional changes
- idea
- memory
- meditate
- eating and sleeping
- Physical symptoms for which no cause can be found
- behavior, expression
- use of time
However, the situation is difficult and troubling. It can also be about counseling, such as studying, working, relationships, having a turning point in life, etc.
Many people understand that When there is a life situation that causes stress, such as losing a job, heartbreak, the death of a loved one, etc., it should be considered Insomnia, mental decline, being distracted, not being able to work, etc., are normal.
Part of this understanding is correct. The other part is that if those symptoms Heavy and continuous for a long time Until affecting the life There is a high possibility that the person may be in a state of disorientation. or there is already a disease that has occurred
Therefore, having an “understandable” cause of mental stress does not necessarily mean that the symptoms occur. No matter how severe it is, it is considered normal.
We will say that the symptoms that occur It is at a level that is considered a “disease” and should be treated.
Only when
- Having those symptoms last longer than expected or longer than most people are And where we used to be
- Symptoms are severe enough to affect your life. Which doctors often call “loss of function”
What functions of normal people?
Things that one person should responsible for and can divide into 3 main areas:
- Having good physical and mental health
Depression will make the patient bored, tired, discouraged, difficult to find happiness in life, tired, not wanting to do anything, wanting to be still. Many people just sleep. (until it seems lazy) Some people have pain here and there. Migraines occur frequently
- Taking responsibility for one’s duties according to one’s age
Including studying, working, taking care of children, etc.
Observable symptoms such as fatigue, tiredness, poor concentration, forgetfulness, and working worse than before. School-ages will not know about their grades. Working-ages will slow down their work. There was a work error. Until taking unusually frequent leave from work
- Taking care of relationships smoothly
Observable symptoms such as not wanting to go out don’t want to talk to anyone (Part of this is intentional avoidance because I know that when I speak, I tend to get annoyed easily.) I often have arguments and disagreements with people close to me. With little things
Stress at normal levels (normal reaction to abnormal situation) will not have a severe impact on these 3 areas.
However, if the symptoms are more severe especially
When classified as a disease. It often affects the way of life clearly. And for the most part Often not only one side is affected.
Depression will make the patient bored, tired, discouraged, difficult to find happiness in life, tired, not wanting to do anything, wanting to be still. Many people just sleep. (until it seems lazy) Some people have pain here and there. Migraines occur frequently
Therefore, symptoms that should see a doctor are symptoms that clearly affect our health, duties, and/or relationships, or in short. When we begin to “lose function”.
In summary, look at the impact on that person, not on the event itself.
If anyone observes himself and is not sure. Do your symptoms qualify as a disease? The doctor recommends consulting a medical professional for clarity. Because if the symptoms are really due to the disease early treatment It will easier than leaving it alone. Then treat when the disease has progressed to a very severe state.