why “elderly people” are more at risk of “depression” than you think

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why “elderly people” are more at risk of “depression” than you think

“Depression in the Elderly” is a mental illness among the elderly. which arises from feelings of disappointment, loss, longing for the past or things missing from life Including the difficulty of accepting change. As a result, the elderly are unhappy. A sad mind feel hopeless Until I don’t want to live Therefore, we must keep an eye out for warning signs of depression in the elderly. Including understanding the factors that support you to feel that way as follows:

 5 reasons why “elderly people” are more at risk of “depression” than you think

  1. Used to work every day and had to stay still.

It is a change that is quite difficult to handle. It takes time to adjust. Although many seniors People will yearn for a comfortable life. who retired from work to rest at the end But when that time really Instead, it felt unspeakable. and can cause a feeling of depression Because most of the elderly are accustomed to having to work for many decades. Some people used to have a big job position. When I retired, my life changed, no one surrounded me. Many people work hard all their lives. was changed to unemployment So I’m not used to having to stay at home alone. And not doing what I’ve always done.

  1. The loneliness of being home alone

After retiring, I didn’t go out to work. and had to live at home alone during the day Because the children go out to work and go to school. This is quite a shocking story for old people. For people who have worked outside the home for many decades. Staying at home during the day on weekdays is something that the elderly are unfamiliar with. It’s quiet, it’s lonely, it’s empty, until it looks lonely, lonely, scary. When I had to be alone, I felt lonely. Plus when you see your children and grandchildren going to work. It makes you feel like you are worthless. There is no benefit either.

  1. Depression from old age comes

Physical changes are the most obvious changes. Although the body gradually deteriorating and declining continuously Not all at once. But many people never notice themselves until they retire and are more alone. When I truly realized that my body was no longer the same, my memory worsened, I became deaf and couldn’t see anything. There are limitations in body movement. Less able to help yourself and more dependent on others. It becomes a feeling of blaming yourself, stress, irritability, and depression from brain deterioration and hormonal levels in the body being unbalanced as before.

  1. The role of importance has decreased.

It is a change in the mind. This is a result of retiring from work and sitting at home without any responsibilities. Used to work as the head of the family It is the pillar of the house. From being able to help yourself well, you now have to rely more on others. Money that was once earned for one’s own use now has to be left to the children and grandchildren instead. Makes you feel that your own important role has decreased. This makes some elderly people feel so lost and hopeless that they think they are worthless. It’s no use. When you’re old, you’re only a burden to others. Some people feel like they can’t accept themselves. Especially if you are in a negative environment. Family members don’t care, and if you don’t have a social life, it might be even worse.

  1. loss of separation

The longer you live The more you have the opportunity to see the people around you gradually leave one by one. From parents, relatives, siblings, partners, friends. In addition, many elderly people also have to deal with seeing their children and grandchildren pass away before their time. It’s a feeling that really And it must be me who should go first. This separation and loss Even though many people try to convince themselves that it’s okay, they’ve gotten used to it, but knowing that a loved one has passed away like this is not something that’s easy to accept. It is loneliness and feeling hurt for those who have passed away. who left himself to live his life alone causing a lack of emotional support